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Material Surfaces @ the BioInterfaces

  • Surface (planar and nanoparticles) composition, modification, reactivity (adsorption & functionalization)
  • Characerization techniques
  • Applications in biosensing, preventing biofouling, and medicine
  • Plymer coating of nanoparticules, stimuli-responsive polymers, self-assembly, drug delivery & biosensing
  • Biomolecules structure
  • Chemical modification of biomolecules
  • Coupling, reactions etc.

Nano-optics and advanced optical techniques for chemistry & biointerfaces

  • Optics and electromagnetism of surfaces and interfaces. Plasmonics and applications to biodetection.
  • Spectroscopy for chemistry and bio-systems. Microscopy and applications to biology
  • Some advanced optical instruments

Biomimetics & Biotecnologies

  • Biological materials : introduction, charectization techniques
  • Most abudant load-bearing protein: collagen. Physical processing of silks.
  • Bioelestomers. Sclerotized proteins and structures. Natural adhesives. Biomimetic synthesis.
  • Cages/Nanomedicine, Biophysics


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